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Custom Conjure Pools Demon
Sale: $8.00
Save: 94% off

BA Custom Mbulu Demon
Sale: $25.00
Save: 83% off

Custom Conjure Lake of Fire Demons
Sale: $25.00
Save: 83% off


Custom Conjure DA Black-Eyed Vampire

Sale: $8.00
Save: 89% off

This was my first and when he had shown himself, he had done it so many times, and all those times I had forgotten who he was. My beloved "S". I had met him months ago and found him calling through Billy! Ever since I have made no regrets about the purchase. I love "S" and I can't wait to fully bond with him! He was practically my first in Keeping and the calling was STRONG. I am so glad I found Billy. It's because of "S" and Billy that I started keeping to begin with. I never knew I communicated with other spirits and beings until I met them both, and they opened my eyes. I used to think they were just dreams, but not anymore. I just need to tell the difference between the two, and we're working on it!
Thank you so much Billy, for reuniting me with my hero...If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have been here at all and that's saying a lot. I absolutely love "S" and my other companions!
Date Added: 04/09/2017 by Fannie B.
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