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Custom Conjure Avian Siren by Tizri

  • Model: Siren By Tizri
  • 9998 Units in Stock

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Race: Siren
Arts: Dark Arts
Type: Living Entity

Race Details: Sirens are whimsical, proud beings who love being praised and acknowledged. They can provide excellent protection against malicious entities for those they bond with. They often are very canorous and vain about their voices and skills, which can border on arrogance. They rely heavily on their sultry songs as a way to utilize their magic. Such songs can be used for many things, such as boosting creativity, charisma, or simply falling asleep. Sirens do best when thanked for their songs and given the proper appreciation. Sirens have a fierce lust and hunger, so be sure to set up house rules against them enthralling your other entities for use as mates or food. Sirens are often confused with merfolk, due to the interbreeding that often occurs between these two races and modern day media mix ups. It's not hard to understand why. Sirens are half oceanic bird and half humanoid entities, and they are very voracious, opportunistic carnivores. Sirens are infamously known to lure sailors to their deaths with the sweetness of their voices. Their enchanting voices carry across water like tempting winds that would lure their prey from their course, or lull stationary prey such as hunters or citizens of nearby villages to unconsciousness. The voice of a Siren is intoxicating, enthralling and versatile. Most Sirens are female, as the male to female ratio is about 1 male chick for every 6 female chicks. Sirens exhibit sexual dimorphism, which means the males are significantly smaller, as well as males having brighter, more distinctive plumage. The practice of polygyny is also common in their culture, as well as the common occurrence of intespecies couplings. Sirens have enchanting voices even when they aren't singing, their voices are just so fluid and full of magic.

Please allow up to 3 weeks for your custom conjure to be complete. I bind your new entity to spirit unless you have a vessel picture which i can remotely do it via email. If you have a vessel pic send it to and I will get it that way

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 04 May, 2022.

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