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Custom Conjure Caverns Demon

  • Model: Caverns Demon Custom
  • 990 Units in Stock

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Sale: $9.00
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The beings from this realm are very harsh and sometimes can be very primal in nature. They can take on different forms. Some can take on a bat form as well as some can take on a spider form and come can actually appear quite human. They can shapeshift and can do this to scare their keepers enemies and find out what they are most afraid of and they use this fear and feed on it. They are recommended for experienced keepers as they are VERY DA energy wise and temperment. They will need some house rules laid out for them as well. They are however very magically inclined and when they are selected for a keeper they bond very strong and become very loyal and will obey any house rules they just need to be laid out for them from the start. They can help a keeper find things they never knew could happen in their life and have a knack for helping them achieve their goals using the magic they know to make thing simply happen in their life. They make powerful companions and loyal companions just make sure to keep them tasked and make sure the house rules are clear what you will allow and won't. A lot of this demonic species can be pure BA so I tend to find ones that are light as possible for the keepers safety. If you wish for truly BA being I can do this for you but I am not responsible for anything that could happen when adopting BA. I just like to make things clear and upfront for a keeper that they are for EXPERIENCED DA AND BA Keepers only.

Current Reviews: 2

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 04 February, 2022.

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