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Custom Immortal Portal to One of the 9 Greek Muse of your Choice

  • Model: Immortal Portal to a Greek Muse
  • 99996 Units in Stock

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This Immortal Portal Binding is to one of the Muse of your Choice. Muse in Greek Traditions were considered many things by many different people. Some regarded them as nymphs, some as goddesses among other things. There are conflicting stories on who they are the daughters of some say they were the offspring of Zeus and Mnemosyne others will say that they were the daughters of the Titans Uranus and Gaea. From my own dealings with them I would say the first thing here is true as that is what I have gotten from them. This can be up in the air as you may get different stories from them. The thing I have did was connect to each Muse and gathered permissions from each one of them to create portals to connect with them. Each Muse is assigned a different area of expertise if you will and can help you in this area of life. The first Muse was known as Calliope which presided over Epic Poetry she was known as the superior Muse and she also accompanied kings and princes to impose justice and serenity to their kingdoms and is symbolized by the writing tablet. The Second Muse is known as Clio she was the Muse that presided over History and Guitar and was symbolized by the Scroll. The third muse is known as Euterpe and presides over lyrical Poetry and is symbolized as a Aulos which is a Greek Flute. The fourth Muse is known as Thalia who presided over comedy and Pastoral Poetry as well as geometry, architectural science and agriculture and is symbolized by the Comic mask. The fifth is known as Melpomene who is the inspiration of Written Tragedy and of course symbolized by the Tragic Mask. The sixth was known as Terpsichore who presided over dance as an art form, as well as the harp and education and was symbolized by the harp. The seventh Muse was known as Erato she presided over love letters and love poetry as well as the feeling of falling in love and weddings. The 8th Muse was known as Polyhymnia which presided over sacred poetry and sacred writings as well as geometry and grammar and was symbolized by the by a veil and by the lyre. The 9th and final muse was known as Urania or Ourania and she presided over astronomy the stars and the celestial planes and was symbolized by the compass. These muses were known mostly as you can see for presiding over different styles of writing and giving inspirations to people who tell tales and write amazing stories. They were also known to be involved as well with astronomy as the 9th muse is as well as Science Geography,Mathematics,Arts,and even Drama. These 9 Goddesses are essential and very effective in inspiring the greatness in one self and can do a phenomenal help to those that will seek their assistance. This Listing can be used in 2 ways and all you need to do is let me know how to do the binding for you. I can do it as a Reverse Adoption to where a Muse will pick you to have a portal done to them to help you and create inspiration into everything you do and help you along your journey. The other way is you can pick the one you think will help you most. You cannot choose a bad one as even though they all have their specialties they all have the abilities to help in all areas of your life and give you willpower and inspirations to do things in your life that you never dreamed possible. They are completely uplifting Immortals and will bring a fresh perspective to you and give you new meanings and new outlooks on your life that you would not have seen otherwise. They are great for any keeper or keep and are considered benevolent Immortals as they can only help and only seek to help mankind. Please when purchasing let me know which way to do your portal and which one you will seek or if you would like it as a RA and let the Immortal choose you.

This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 25 May, 2017.

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