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DA Immortal Portal Binding to Merlin

  • Model: MerlinImmortalPortalBinding
  • 989 Units in Stock

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This listing is for the Immortal Binding to the Immortal Wizard Merlin or Myrlin, Merlin is best known as a prominent figure and advisor to King Arthur, Before he was bewitched and imprisoned by the Witch/Water Nymph the Immortal Lady of the Lake. Even though he is imprisoned, still his teachings and magic live on through this direct portal to him which gives one access to him. He was born a Cambion as his mother was intimate with an Incubus and sired him. His mothers true name is not known,but it was spoken one time as Adhan. He is also a very adept and skilled magician and is very clairvoyant and clairaudient and will help someone to develop these skills as part of his teachings. He is also in tune with nature and will help you get grounded to develop you appreciation and oneness with nature and nature spirits and animals. He can shapeshift and and was a great prophet who helped guide Arthur through to many victories and in battle and will help you shape your psychic visions if you so seek it. He is a very patient teacher but expects his pupils to be very serious when working with him and will take no jokes while under his tutilage. Show him you are serious to learn and show him the proper respect and you will gain a wealth of knowledge from him.

This Item is FREE SHIPPING SINCE IT IS A DIRECT Binding which is a binding to your body or spirit
OR REMOTE BINDING which is to a vessel of your choice that you currently possess. International orders are welcome on this item since there is no shipping involved. Work will begin the next day after purchase to bind this spirit to you. Please after purchase go to the contact us page on the site and send your Full name and Date of Birth to Me that way I can link the spirit to you

By law, we have to state that listings are for Entertainment Purposes only and cannot be scientifically proven. We are not to be held responsible for anything that could happen once the item leaves our hands, as it is your discretion on buying these items. We do not take any responsibility for any choices you make and are the choices are personal and your responsibility, as well as that we do not take any responsibility for any paranormal activity that does or does not appear.

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 26 April, 2016.

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