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Custom Immortal Portal to the Demon King Azazel

  • Model: Immortal Portal to Demon Azazel
  • 9986 Units in Stock

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This listing is a custom listing for a Portal to the Demon King Azazel. Azazel is a spirit of the Desert and was worshipped first by the ancient people the Semites. He is a King and ruler over a Band of Goat type demons called the Se'irim. Azazel was among the leaders of the rebel angels that went against heaven. Azazel taught women the arts of metalworking and cosmetics. He was punished for this by the creator. He is a fallen angel and is sometimes confused for Satan himself but he is definitely not the same being. Azazel is also considered a master of herbalism and the occult arts. Azazel can change appearances and may appear in any form but He does generally appear as a Winged Angel. He likes offerings of Frankincense. This immortal Portal is for access to him. He is to be respected just like any other immortal. Approach him with humility and also he does favor those who bring him knowledge so this is something you might consider when getting a portal to him.

This Item is FREE SHIPPING SINCE IT IS A DIRECT Binding which is a binding to your body or spirit
OR REMOTE BINDING which is to a vessel of your choice that you currently possess. International orders are welcome on this item since there is no shipping involved. Work will begin the next day after purchase to bind this spirit to you. Please after purchase go to the contact us page on the site and send your Full name and Date of Birth to Me that way I can link the spirit to you

By law, we have to state that listings are for Entertainment Purposes only and cannot be scientifically proven. We are not to be held responsible for anything that could happen once the item leaves our hands, as it is your discretion on buying these items. We do not take any responsibility for any choices you make and are the choices are personal and your responsibility, as well as that we do not take any responsibility for any paranormal activity that does or does not appear.

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 21 March, 2017.

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